Mundo Law

Obtain Panamanian Residency and start your path to freedom

Panama is one of the few countries in the world to offer residency whilst not taxing worldwide income. Residents are taxed only on income earned from Panamanian sources. Any foreign income is considered tax free in Panama.

General Requirements


Mundo residence

“We make the wealthy free and the free wealthy.”

By obtaining a Panama Residency with MUNDO LAW, one of Panamaโ€™s topย law firms offering immigration and corporate services in Panama, you willย receive support for all your corporate and legal needs. This includes fromย opening a bank account and foundation to allocating and assessing investments and completing real estate purchases.

You will be assigned a personal representative who will answer (in English,ย Russian or Spanish) all your questions about Panama. We will assist you in allย aspects of relocation from finding real estate and obtaining a mobile phoneย number to booking your holiday. Our concierge service is designed to assistย you in the most difficult phase of residency, i.e., when you have just arrivedย in your new country. We will also introduce you to the right people so thatย you can save thousands of dollars and avoid wasting time.

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