After 90 days, the payments made by THE CLIENT, for the provision of services. Will not be refundable and will be considered final, unless otherwise stated. The collection of charges on payments of more than 90 day will no generate such obligation of reimbursement, on the company, unless otherwise agreement between THE CLIENT and THE COMPANY, considering the nature of the provided service or when so determined by the law. THE CLIENT shall be entitled to reimbursement of payments made when:
- The company does not act in compliance with the obligations arising from the provision of its services.
- When the company commits any type of illicit declared as such by means of a definitive sentence, dictated by the corresponding jurisdictional organ.
The obligation of the company, in this sense, is fulfilled once issued the payment for reimbursement and is not subject to repetition, consequently, this one reserves for itself, the right to issue refunds, and THE CLIENT, cannot demand a future payment, under the same concept. In order to request a refund, THE CLIENT must provide the reasons writing them and clearly explaining those reasons. Direct expenses already paid and supported by the company are not reimbursable.
On the other hand, shipping costs, banking charges, eventualities, and expenses derived from intermediaries, are under total responsibility of THE CLIENT, and it will be previously notified.
Finally, THE CLIENT should know that, in the event THE CLIENT decides to pay the amount of USD 100 (ONE HUNDRED/00 AMERICAN DOLLARS) directly from the official website of THE COMPANY for one (1) hour of consultation with the expert of THE COMPANY with priority service, it will be NON-REFUNDABLE, but at the same time DEDUCTIBLE from the final invoice. This service will be subject to the local tax of 7% of ITBMS. In order to speed up the process we recommend to send the receipt of payment with full name and phone contact to
The Company accepts the payments done by THE CLIENT, via the following payment methods:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- Bank Transfer.
- Crypto
- Cash
- PayPal
- Check
The companyยดs accounts information in order to get the payments done, will be delivered at the moment THE CLIENT so requests it, and this one must sent a payment proof. If an eventuality with a financial entity happens, due to the lack of funds, THE CLIENT has total responsibility on it
Cash payments are received exclusively at the companyยดs offices, through the issuance of a receipt note by THE COMPANY