Mundo Law

Obtain The Panama Qualified Investor Visa

Invest from $300,000

What do you want to accomplish

The Panama Qualified Investor Visa offers different Panama investment options to qualify for Panama Permanent Residency. After 5 years of Permanent Resident status, applicant may apply for Panama citizenship through Naturalization process (once a citizen, then a Panama passport may be obtained), which is optional.
It is not necessary for applicants to reside in Panama to qualify for or maintain Panamanian residency or Panama citizenship, however, a short visit to Panama is required for the processing of the Permanent Resident Visa, and for the Naturalization (Panama citizenship and Panama passport).


Investment in a Titled Real Estate Property


Invest in a Real Estate Project
(Sale Contract)


Stock exchange investment of USD 500,000 by investing in Panama Stocks, Bonds or Funds in the amount of at least USD 500,000


Investing in a Fixed-term deposit of USD 750,000 in a Panamanian bank

Time Frame

The final approval of the permanent residency, by law, should take less than Thirty (30) working days. We can begin the process even before the applicant comes to Panama through the use of a Power Of Attorney, given that all obligations and requirements are fulfilled.

General Requirements


Investment in a Titled Real Estate Property

Invest a minimum of US$300,000.
This requirement will be increased in october 2024.


  • Investment amount must come from foreign sources.
  • The Investment amount must be paid in full. In the case the Property value is higher than the minimum investment, the applicant can get a loan for the rest of the money in a local bank.
  • The titled Panama real property can either be in the personal name of the primary applicant or in the name of a Company; as long as the primary applicant is the Ultimate Beneficial Owner


  1. Certificate from Panamaโ€™s Public Registry verifying personal title of the applicant with a minimum value of Three Hundred Thousand dollars (US$300,000), free of debt or liens.

Note: In the case that the title of the Panama real estate is under the name of a Panama Company, the applicant will qualify if he or she is the Owner of 100% of the shares. The certificate of the Public Registry must designate the applicant as the Beneficiary.

Invest in a Real Estate Project (Sale Contract)

Invest a minimum of US$300,000.
This requirement will be increased to US$500,000 in October 2024.
The Investment amount must be deposited in full in a Trust handled by a local bank or Trust Company with license to operate in Panama.


  • Investment amount must come from foreign sources.
  • The Investment amount must be paid in full. In the case the Property value is higher than the minimum investment, the applicant can get a loan for the rest of the money in a local bank.
  • The Panama Real Estate property can either be in the personal name of the primary applicant or in the name of a Company; as long as the primary applicant is the Ultimate Beneficial Owner



  1. Authenticated copy of the sale contract duly registered at the Panama’s Public Register.
  2. Original or Authenticated Copy of the trust deed which should be established the total amount given in trust, the partial payments that must be given in the name of the settlor to fulfill his obligations according to the Sale Contract signed with the developer.


Note: In the case that the sale contract can’t be registered in the Public Register, the Residency will not be granted.

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